Mother to Daughter
Kachchh Gujarat is renowned for its fine folk embroideries. Embroidery is one of the few crafts of Kachchh done primarily by women. Each of Kachchh’s many communities has a distinct embroidery tradition which has been passed on for generations from mother to daughter. Some communities have lived in Kachchh for centuries, others have migrated to the region bringing distinct embroidery skills from regions beyond the Northwest frontier.
Stitching Identities
Today, Kachchh is home to more than 17 distinct types of embroideries which adorn the region’s dress and fabrics. Some of the most recognized embroideries include: Jat, Ahir, Sodha Rajput, Rabari and Soof. Women in each community embroider using specific stitches and motifs as a form of individual and community expression. In addition to decoration, embroidery often portrays a woman’s or man’s status in life. For example, Sodha Rajput women wear an embroidered choli and jacket after marriage, while widows wear a plain, dark cloth.